Shipping and Delivery Policy


Package Pickup:

Upon posting a package or initiating a pickup request, clients shall designate the starting and ending points via the map interface.

Clients are required to provide comprehensive details pertaining to the package, inclusive of item specifics, recipient's contact information, delivery address, weight, value, delivery deadline, and any pertinent delivery instructions.

In the event of a pickup request, clients may specify the number of individuals or opt for immediate commencement of the pickup process.

Selection of one option (package specifics or pickup request) deactivates the alternative, along with its associated fields.

Package Posting:

Clients opting to post a package shall furnish requisite details, including item specifics, photo upload, delivery address, weight, value, recipient's contact number, delivery deadline, and on-time delivery bonus.

Default on-time delivery bonus is set at 10rs, subject to adjustment as deemed necessary. Upon meticulous input of all pertinent details, clients may finalize the package posting process.
Traveller Notification:

Following successful posting of a package or initiation of a pickup request, notifications shall be promptly dispatched to travellers within a 3-kilometer radius of the client's current location and those en-route to the package's destination.

Travellers shall be apprised of the package details and pertinent delivery instructions to facilitate informed decision-making.

Delivery Fulfillment:

Travellers accepting package assignments shall adhere to the designated pickup and delivery timelines as communicated by the client.

Upon acceptance of a package, travellers shall diligently proceed with pickup and subsequent delivery, ensuring adherence to specified delivery instructions and deadlines.

Timely communication with clients regarding pickup and delivery status is imperative to ensure a seamless shipping experience.

Client Notification:

Clients shall be promptly notified upon confirmation of package pickup by the assigned traveller.

Real-time tracking updates shall be provided to clients, enabling them to monitor the progress of their package delivery from initiation to fulfillment.

Delivery Completion:

Upon successful delivery of the package to the designated recipient within the stipulated timeframe, clients shall receive confirmation of delivery completion.

In instances where on-time delivery bonus criteria are met, the designated bonus amount shall be credited to the traveller's account.

Communication and Support:

Open channels of communication between clients and travellers shall be facilitated through the integrated chat functionality, allowing for real-time updates and queries resolution.

Dedicated customer support shall be accessible to address any shipping-related inquiries or concerns, ensuring a positive customer experience.

Dispute Resolution:

In the event of disputes or discrepancies pertaining to package pickup, delivery, or condition upon receipt, clients and travellers shall engage in transparent communication to resolve issues amicably.

Escalation to platform-mediated dispute resolution mechanisms may be pursued should amicable resolution prove unattainable through direct communication.

Policy Review and Updates:

This Shipping and Delivery Policy shall be subject to periodic review and updates to reflect evolving industry standards and regulatory requirements.

Clients and travellers shall be duly notified of any amendments to the policy, with provisions for acknowledgment and acceptance of revised terms prior to continued utilization of the platform's services.


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